Sunday 6 May 2012

Surgical Scissor Inspection Tips

Surgical Scissor Inspection Tips Posted on May 4, 2012 Surgical Scissor Inspection Tips Inspecting your surgical instruments is an important process. Every surgical instrument has unique points of inspection, like needle holders and hemostats. Proper examination of your instruments can help with surgical instrument maintenance and repairs. Below are points of inspection for surgical scissors. Blunt tips: Tips should be rounded to prevent puncturing and tearing. Inspect tips for corrosion and burrs. Sharp tips: Scissor tips are very fragile. Make sure both tips are present. Inspect for bent tips, damage and burrs. Blades: Inspect blades for chips or burrs on the cutting surface. If scissor has Tungsten Carbide blades (gold rings), inspect the blade insert for crack and the union where Tungsten Carbide meets the stainless steel for signs of pitting. Screw/hinge area: Inspect both sides for the presence of cracking and blood/bioburden trapped in the screw head. The screw/hinge area is the area of the scissor most prone to trapped blood/bioburden and staining. Rings: Inspect the rings for cracks. Scissor action: To inspect the cutting action of a scissor, simply open and close the scissor three to four times. This opening and closing action should feel smooth. The scissor action should not be loose, tight and grinding, or jump. The scissor action test is important, as the initial action of a scissor is the surgeon’s first impression

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